Hello Friends.
We are entering a Tender Week, leading up to a very Tender Weekend for many Mommas..... Two Words, 'Mother's Day.'❤️🩹🙏
I wanted to extend my loving support to you Mommas. If your thoughts start racing, to show you all the evidence of why this holiday is a tough one for you too.....
I want you to know that you are NOT alone.
❤️🩹I hear you. ❤️🩹I see you. ❤️🩹This message is for you.
Today, as past thoughts come flooding into my body, mind & heart, as they always do at this time of the year, I am choosing to Embrace the tenderness instead of Resist it.
WHY? Because it's actually just deep love. Deep Love for that sweet Angel Child above.
Yes, I'm sure there will be tears 😭, probably LOTS of tears, but that's OK.
But, I am allowing myself the space to feel so I can heal, this is the first step.
I am extending my arms to that broken hearted 28 year old young, grieving mother, who got her worst nightmare of loosing a child, her 1st born son.
I am creating space TODAY, so I can be emotionally present with her this tender weekend of Mother's Day.
❤️I will listen to her.
❤️I will cry with her.
❤️I will comfort her.
❤️I will just sit with her.
Learning to compassionately step in, giving myself the space to process, is my Life's Practice. A person divided within is at war with themself. So what would it look like to bring that inner war to peace?
Learning to stop fighting the past, to start embracing the presence, is the BEST way to Rebuild that Beautiful life, especially with Grief.
Sending a Tender Mother's Day HUG.
In Healing & Hope ((HUGS)) 💛 Tanya